On 1/25/2018 7:47 PM, Mariatta Wijaya wrote:
I think we're starting to deviate from the original topic here which is: please replace # with GH- when you click Squash & Merge button.

I will try to remember to do this, although it seems pointless if most people do not.

The idea of the mergebot (by issuing a command) was brought up for a different purpose: to automate the merging of a PR after all CI passes (which can take time) and an approval by a core dev.

I still like that idea, if we can figure out a way to supply a commit message we really want, before the bot merges the PR.

For backports, the squashed merge commit message is already written, and usually already has the cherry-pick addition. So I suggest starting with backports first. Once a backport mergebot is working and tested, we can work on the original merge message problem.

Terry Jan Reedy

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