On 14/07/16 16:20, Tim Orling wrote:
> Hi Petr,
> It is precisely the security information that I am seeking access to. My
> job depends on it.
> I have already done everything in [0]. In some cases more than once. And
> we are talking over the period of many months. So let me ask this in
> return: what is the process once someone has done everything in [0]? The
> only place that I can have any dialog is this mailing list or
> #fedora-python. Application to the FAS group is a one time, one way
> thing. Application to the python-sig mailing list is a one way thing. A
> human on the other end must make some action to move the process forward.
> Out of frustration, I emailed tomspur recently, as he is listed as the
> main contact for python-sig group in FAS. Other than a response from
> him, I have not heard anything else. I can understand that it is summer
> and people have holidays and it has not been that long yet.
> But I must reiterate that this process has been going on for months from
> my side. Fedora already has a problem of perception of being too Red Hat
> insider in some circles. My observation has been that Red Hat employees
> have been gently reminded on #fedora-python that they need to apply to
> python-sig. I am assuming they have been successful. Meanwhile, I wait
> for action on the part of a member of python-sig.
> That action could be as simple as, "we don't know you, could you please
> submit a python package for review so we can start to get to know you?".
> But that still requires action on the part of a member of python-sig.
> I can tell you that the response from the perl-sig community was much
> more inviting.

sorry to hear, your experience was quite frustrating.

In my understanding, there's not much you get from being member of the
SIG or the FAS group.

I'm not sure, if security information is actually shared here, I would
expect no information being under embargo to be shared via this list.
Especially, what kind of enforcement do we have, if some security
sensitive information is being disclosed.

Your case could (or should) serve as an example, what can go wrong with
the SIG and a onboarding process.

Ideally, we'd have a documented process and a tracker, where status of
approvals being tracked. FAS only provides 3 state (nothing, unapproved,
approved). Maybe it's useful to do a process comparable to becoming a
sponsor or a mentor in fedora (open a ticket in trac, have an open
discussion about each person, including a vote.)

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