Hi all.

Somehow, between a week of vacation with my Dad and reading Miro's email
for the third or fourth time I have come to an epiphany...

Let us clean the slate and start over. Light some cedar and sandalwood
incense. Assume the lotus pose and clang your finger symbols. Breathe deep.
Think good thoughts. Life is good.


Hi. I'm Tim, although I prefer to be known as "Timo (Teem-OH)".  I've been
using Fedora since before it was called Fedora Core. I care a lot about
__quality__ python packaging in Fedora, in part because my job depends on
it working flawlessly, but also because I just think python is an awesome
language. I evangelize about it to anybody that will listen. I am
responsible for Fedora working flawlessly for my global team and our larger
community (in which many many people prefer to use Fedora). This can be
"fun" when new Fedora releases come out. gcc-6 by default for example. It
usually takes a week or two of somebody's time (now mine) to get it all
working ok again. All of our build tools are based on python. We recently
finished our migration to python3 which makes me very happy.

I have a couple python projects I'd like to contribute to Fedora. The two
that come to mind are rethinkdb and robotframework (which will be many
sub-packages as well). Maybe I'll come up with more. I am an active member
of the IronPython community and perhaps that means I can help with mono
support in Fedora. In particular, I want to drive IronPython to be python3
ready. I need to learn how to become an __expert__ python packager for
Fedora. I also want to help with the inevitable fires that come up. I read
the mailing list daily (hourly?) and get all the notifications about python
packages in Fedora. I guess I don't know where to start helping effectively.

I'm hoping to work with the members of python-sig to learn the ropes and
join the team. I am not just curious, I am determined. Driven even. I would
like to take that energy and apply it to python-sig. I look forward to
getting to know you all and working for a long time with you.



P.S. I'm not sure who this email will actually reach, so please forward to
the right list if you have permissions. I'm not going to clutter python-dev
with it anymore. No more negative energy. Life is good.

On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 6:49 AM, Miro Hrončok <mhron...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Tim,
> let me step in as a new sponsor for Python SIG FAS group.
> First of all, let me try to explain what this FAS group is and what it
> isn't:
> The python-sig FAS group is a group of Fedora packagers with permission to
> commit to all packages where the group was added s a co-maintainer.
> Today, that's 38 packages [1], not big number, but still big
> responsibility. Also, this number will increase in the future, hopefully.
> Only trusted packagers can be part of that group. Hence the 5 packages
> criteria mentioned on the wiki, so non-packagers or people with one package
> won't apply.
> The python-sig FAS group is not a group of Fedorians who like Python.
> For that purpose, one can be part of the informal SIG, i.e. join the
> mailing list (python-devel), hang out on IRC (#fedora-python), add their
> name to the wiki page. Everybody is welcome to do that. If such person
> happens to be or become a packager and becomes known and trusted, (s)he
> might end up in the FAS group as well, later.
> The python-sig mailing list is not a secret place we don't want anybody to
> let in. It's a technical way to distribute e-mail from Fedora systems to
> all members of python-sig FAS group. Such e-mail include e-mail from
> bugzilla. As those might contian sensite information, the mailing list is
> private.
> If you want to be on the list just because of the list itself, it is not
> going to happen (for anybody). If you want to join the FAS group, talk to
> me or other sponsors and make me/them believe you are the right person for
> the job. I don't know you, so I won't sponsor you. This might change when I
> become to know you trough you extensive work on Python packages in Fedora
> and/or EPEL.
> You mentioned that you need to be on the list because your work depends on
> access to security information.
> Since your activity in Fedora is maintaining a single package, none of the
> current sponsors feel confident to trust you with that information.
> But if you want to talk (perhaps privately) more about what you
> need and why, maybe we can come up with a better way than the FAS group
> to share security updates with you (or Intel).
> [1] https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/packager/group::python-sig/
> --
> Miro Hrončok
> --
> Phone: +420777974800
> IRC: mhroncok
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