Hey Steven,

On 23.02.2017 19:25, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Indeed not. The Pythonic solution is exactly the one you used: DON'T
combine the for-loop and if-statement.

for x in range(100):
     if is_prime(x):

If the use of two lines and two indents is truly a problem, to the point
that you really need to refactor to a single line, that's a code smell:
your function is probably too big, too complex and does too much, and
should be refactored.

May I disagree with you here? I write many functions with a single for loop + a single if+continue on a daily basis (usually generators).
They don't seem to look like code-smell to me.

Not saying they justify this feature but it's easier to read a positive (including) if than a negative one (skipping).

Deeply nested for...for...for...if...if...if...for... blocks look ugly
because they are ugly. Allowing them all on one line makes the Python
language worse, not better. It is unfortunate that comprehensions, by
their nature, must allow that sort of thing, but that doesn't mean we
have to allow it elsewhere.

Another disagreement here. Just because it's possible to do ugly stuff with a hammer shouldn't mean we cannot allow hammers. It's an argument neither in favor of nor against the proposal.

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