> My humble opinion: I would rather like to see something like:
>     from some_wide_used_scientific_library.math_constants import *
> with good acceptance from scientific users before thinking to add it
> into stdlib.

Agree with this, but note that a similar proposal has once been made to scipy.
It was rejected for now since they still also target Python2.

So once scipy drops Python2 supports (presumable around 2020 at the latest),
this could be re-proposed there.


2017-06-03 8:26 GMT+02:00 Pavol Lisy <pavol.l...@gmail.com>:
> On 6/1/17, Serhiy Storchaka <storch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What you are think about adding Unicode aliases for some mathematic
>> names in the math module? ;-)
>> math.π = math.pi
>> math.τ = math.tau
>> math.Γ = math.gamma
>> math.ℯ = math.e
>> Unfortunately we can't use ∞, ∑ and √ as identifiers. :-(
> My humble opinion: I would rather like to see something like:
>     from some_wide_used_scientific_library.math_constants import *
> with good acceptance from scientific users before thinking to add it
> into stdlib.
> PS.
> Maybe this could be interesting for some vim users ->
> http://gnosis.cx/bin/.vim/after/syntax/python.vim (I am not author of
> this file)
> If you apply it in vim then vim show lines (where is not cursor)
> "translated". Means for example that math.pi is replaced by π.
> So you still edit "math.pi" but if you move cursor outside of this
> line then you could see formula simplified/prettified. (or more
> complicated - because you need a little train your brain to accept new
> view)
> I am pretty skeptic how popular this conceal technique could be in vim
> pythonistas community!
> (
> why skeptic?
> For example I am testing to improve readability of line similar to
>    self.a = self.b + self.c
> using with this technique and see in vim
>    ᐠa = ᐠb + ᐠc
> but **I am not sure if it is really useful** (probably I have to add
> that I am editing code much more in other editor than vim)
> )
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