On 12/17/2017 2:20 PM, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
Currently repr of doesn't contain much of information besides that it is a lambda.

 >>> lambda x: x**2
<function <lambda> at 0x7f3479b74488>

All lambdas have the same repr, different only by unreadable hexadecimal address.

Having the same pseudo-name is what being anonymous means. Some consider that a feature ;-).

What if include the signature and the expression of the lambda in its repr?

 >>> lambda x: x**2
<lambda x: x**2>

Printing the return value requires adding a code or function attribute. The return expression(s), possibly None, would be just as useful for named functions.

This would return an old feature of Python 0.9.1 (https://twitter.com/dabeaz/status/934835068043956224).

Repr of function could contain just the signature.

<function foo(bar, baz)>

But there is a problem with default values. Their reprs can be very long, especially in the following case with mutable default value:

I would not expect the representation to change; just use the expression.

def foo(x, _cache={}):
         return _cache[x]
     except KeyError:
     _cache[x] = y = expensive_calculation(x)
     return y

Maybe the placeholder should be always used instead of default values.

Do you mean 'a placeholder'?
Terry Jan Reedy

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