On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 6:47 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There are a few different points here:
> 1. There's no relationship between pip and the py launcher - they are
> separate tools/projects. Any co-operation in terms of file locations
> would have to be a result of common standards. Those would normally be
> platform standards, not Python ones.

​Right, different planets, but orbiting the same star.  I was thinking
about the consolidation of the Windows registry layout a year or two ago,
don't recall who spearheaded that (Steve Dower?).  In any case, if the
various tools either followed that convention, or we came up with an
ini-based one that was consistent with it and usable on Unix (.pyconf or

2. On Windows, pip.ini is in $env:APPDATA\pip, not ~/pip. Are you
> confusing Windows and Unix conventions?

​Yeah, our Windows dev environment uses Cygwin, so I'm constantly confused.
:)  Here's where I see py.exe looking for its ini file (first $LOCALAPPDATA
then in $SystemRoot):

> py.exe
launcher build: 32bit
launcher executable: Console
Using local configuration file 'C:\Users\efahlgren\AppData\Local\py.ini'
File 'C:\Windows\py.ini' non-existent

Not sure how to make pip cough up similar verbose output, but when it
started complaining about legacy formats, I just followed its directions
and this works:

> ll $USERPROFILE/pip/pip.ini
-rw-r--r-- efahlgren 2017-04-30 15:51 'C:/Users/efahlgren/pip/pip.ini'

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