On 2018-06-05 18:25, Kyle Lahnakoski wrote:

I currently use the form

     <control_flag> and log_function( <msg_expr> )

where <control_flag> is some module variable, usually "DEBUG".  I do this because it is one line, and it ensures the log_function parameters are not evaluated.

You'd get the same result with:

    if <control_flag>: log_function( <msg_expr> )

*IF* runtime assertions had a switch so they have no overhead when not active, how much faster can it get?  How expensive is the <control_flag> check?

On 2018-05-10 03:55, Barry Scott wrote:

My logging example would be

log( control_flag, msg_expr )

expanding to:

if <control_flag>:
log_function( <msg_expr> )


This idea requires the same sort of machinery in python that I was hoping for to implement the short circuit logging.

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