On 6/12/2018 10:54 AM, Mikhail V wrote:
I think it would be logical to have the insert operator for lists.
Similar to list extend operator += , it could use one of augmented
assignment operators, e,g, /=.


Note that there is a trick to 'insert' an element with slicing syntax, e.g.:

This is not a 'trick'. It is a particular case of a general operation: replacing a length m slice of a list with a sequence of length n. Both m and n can be 0. The replacement sequence can be any iterable.

>>> l = [1,2,3]
>>> l[0:0] = 'abc'
>>> l
['a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2, 3]

     L[0:0] = [[1,2]]

     -> [[1,2], "aa"]

     L[0:0] = ["bb"]

     -> ["bb", "aa"]

In these examples, m and n are 0 and 1.

The trick is to put brackets around the element and so it works as insert().

Again, not a trick. Putting brackets around the element makes it sequence of length 1. To possible be less confusing, you could use (,)

>>> l[0:0] = ([1,2],)
>>> l
[[1, 2], 'aa']

Though additional brackets look really confusing for this purpose,
so I don't feel like using this seriously.

Learning about lists means learning about slice assignment: replace a sublist with another sequence.

Terry Jan Reedy

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