On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 10:40 PM Eric V. Smith <e...@trueblade.com> wrote:
> On 5/28/2019 4:29 PM, Yanghao Hua wrote:
> > To repeat what the problem do I think I am solving? A variable, that
> > behaves like an integer (e.g. all normal integer ops should just
> > work), but has a different assignment behavior, such that it can be
> > used to develop equally good hardware descriptions.
> This is the part that you're not explaining: what does "a different
> assignment behavior" mean? We all understand what Python means by
> assignment (name binding), but we don't understand what you would like
> it to be instead.

a different assignment behavior in HDL is your assignment does not
take effect until a delta cycle of zero virtual time has passed. (did
you really looked at the previous postings? :)

> It seems that you want these two statements to work differently:
> x = something()    # bind a name for the first time
>                     #  ("create a variable", if you will)
> x = 4              # do something different when x already exists
>                     #  and is of some special type
> Is that true? What is the "something different"?

x = 4 should be something like x <== 4 or x := 4 (the latter has been
taken by the assignment expressions though ...). Such that variable
initialization (=) and utilization (<==) can be differentiated.

> I've got to be honest with you: I don't see Python changing in this regard.

Sad to see that's the case from you when it seems you barely even read
all of the postings in this thread.
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