On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 12:50 AM Greg Ewing <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > Yanghao Hua wants to customise the behaviour of assignment. I believe
> > that he wants to emulate the behaviour of some hardware description
> > languages, where the equals sign = doesn't mean assignment (if I have
> > understood correctly, which I may not have), but Something Else.
> Maybe I can help a bit here. I don't have a deep knowledge of HDLs. but
> from what I gather, they typically have two *different* assignment-like
> operations. One of them is like assignment in a functional language,
> where you're defining a signal as a function of other existing signals.
> This corresponds to combinatorial logic in hardware. Python's existing
> assigment is fine for this, I think.
> The other represents updating a signal when some event occurs, such
> as a clock transition. In hardware terms, it corresponds to changing
> the state of a flip-flop. The OP wants a new operator and associated
> dunder method to represent this operation. He doesn't want to override
> normal assignment.

That's basically right. And three small addition/correction: 1.
Actually combinational logics can be modeled with both blocking and
non-blocking logic. So one of them is enough already. 2. python's
assignment is having very different semantics, so even for the verilog
blocking assignment, which need to make the current "thread/process"
to wait until the assignment finishes, is still not possible to model
with python's assignment operator. 3. the signal change is really
modeled on gate level, which are AND/OR/XOR/MUX gates. There are
optimized flip-flop entities too but basically you can also build FFs
from the primary gates. And the change of the signal, is actually just
change the input of the FFs, not really the FF states itself. FF state
change is modeled and inferred with a sensitivity list (a list of
signals which triggers a thread/process to run) that has a clock.
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