On 2019-06-24 09:23, Chris Angelico wrote:> On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 6:03 PM Andrew Barnert <abarn...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> On Sunday, June 23, 2019, 10:13:07 PM PDT, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > The biggest problem with this proposal is the way that, being a
>> > syntactic construct, it's going to be non-composable.
>> > # Oops, syntax error
>> > with (some_expr as q,
>> >         some_other_expr as w):
>> >     pass
>> I don't understand. Are you suggesting that some_expr could be something like "2 if cond else pass", so if not cond, this is supposed to be equivalent to "with ( as q, some_other_expr as w):", which is a SyntaxError (at runtime)? If so, that's the same problem as with most other syntactic locations where an expression can go, like the assignment example I gave earlier.
> Sorry, I kinda glossed over a lot of details there.
> The example that I gave is a SyntaxError, unrelated to the current
> proposal. To make it work, you have to remove the parens, and use a
> backslash to continue the line. And every now and then, someone
> proposes to make the 'with' statement accept the form I gave, because
> it would be cleaner. It isn't an easy change, because "with expr as
> name" is a syntactic construct; the "expr as name" part cannot be
> composed into a larger expression.
> The proposed syntax would have the exact same problem:
> stuff = [
>      foo unless True,
>      bar unless False,
>      (quux("spam", "eggs", "sausage", "spam")
>          unless customer_wants("spam"))
> ]
> This particular example would work if you just removed the parens (it
> doesn't need a backslash to continue the line, since it's inside a
> list display), but I can pretty much guarantee that people will put
> parens around one of these sequences and then wonder why on earth it
> doesn't work.
Well, I suppose it could work with parentheses, but not necessarily in the way you want/expect. If customer_wants("spam") returns False, then (quux("spam", "eggs", "sausage", "spam") unless customer_wants("spam")) could mean ()! (You could say that it doesn't, and if you want that behaviour then you should add a trailing comma.)
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