On Dec 3, 2019, at 14:34, Jan Bakuwel <jan.baku...@gmail.com> wrote:
> People focus on the silly example and suggest that the code needs refactoring 
> but that is besides the point.

You’re the one who gave that example as motivation, and who specifically 
highlighted the “more than a page of code” thing; it’s not something everyone 
else invented and read into your example.

If that example is a bad argument for your proposal, the burden of coming up 
with a good argument for your proposal is on you. (After all, the default for 
any proposal is to not change anything.) If there are “plenty use cases”, 
provide one that isn’t silly instead of one that is.

While you’re at it, you might want to show some other languages. I think part 
of the reaction against it comes from the languages people are familiar with. 
Python, Swift, Ruby, and most other languages people tout as “readable” just 
have a generic end or } or dedent or whatever for all blocks. So does C and all 
of descendants. But PHP has endfor, and pl/SQL, and sh has for/do/done… and 
those aren’t languages people want to use. Maybe that’s an unfair prejudice—but 
if so, if you can point people to better examples, it might help overcome that.
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