For the record, more than 80 messages into this thread, I am no longer
interested in pursuing this. In any case, this is not the kind of thing
Raymond would ever want to see added to itertools. Let's add a recipe for
first() to the list of recipes in the itertools docs.

If people want to change itertools' philosophy to add essentially *all* the
recipes to the module, putting more-itertools and itertoolz out of
business, that's a PEP-worthy undertaking and maybe you can get the new
Steering Council behind that.

But (as is no secret) I'm not one of those functionally-minded people, and
I don't use itertools much in my own hobby endeavors, so I won't mind much
one way or another.

On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 9:44 PM Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas <> wrote:

> On Dec 10, 2019, at 17:12, Tim Peters <> wrote:
> >
> > [Andrew Barnert <>]
> >> ...
> >> I think you’re arguing that the philosophy of itertools is just wrong,
> at least for
> >> the kind of code you usually write with it and the kind of people who
> usually
> >> write that code. Is that fair, or am I misrepresenting you here?
> >
> > It's fair enough, although rather than "wrong" I'd say more that it's
> > inappropriately applying design principles that work well in most of
> > Python's libraries to an area where they don't.  The very fact that
> > half the itertools docs are devoted to "recipes" kinda suggests it
> > knows it's leaving its intended audience hanging ;-)
> I don’t want to put words in Raymond’s mouth, but I don’t think he thought
> he was leaving his audience hanging. People will build their own tools out
> of the toolkit and decide what to share among them, and who knows where
> it’ll go from there? And where it turned out to go from there is two big,
> competing, still-evolving collections of tools on PyPI, and itertools even
> links to one of them, which (at least for me) looks like success.
> But I suspect this is exactly what you mean by “principles that work well
> in most of Python’s libraries”. Haskell doesn’t make you cabal install a
> hackage to get first. And likewise for Clojure, F#, Scala, etc. (Hell, when
> you npm install underscorejs, you don’t have to also go install
> more_underscore as well to actually use it.)
> But I think Python is more dependent on its package ecosystem than most of
> those languages (despite being the one that advertises “batteries
> included”), and I’m not sure that’s a bad thing here any more than anywhere
> else. The set of useful things you can build out of the toolkit doesn’t end
> with the set that come with Clojure.
> >> Meanwhile, I think Guido and some others accept the itertools philosophy
> >
> > Don't know about Guido, but certainly applies to Raymond.
> Well, he probably wouldn’t have written it to that philosophy if he didn’t
> agree with it. :)
> > I do like functional languages, and always have, so it seems to fall
> > on me here to advocate for what those weirdos value.
> I’m one of those weirdos too. It may be almost an accident that Python
> turned out to be a great language for lots of functional techniques that
> other imperative languages didn’t discover until a decade or two later, but
> it’s a very happy accident.
> >  In part, no, the
> > itertools namespace is not a precious resource that must be vigilantly
> > minimized ;-)
> Sure, but it also doesn’t have to be maximized until it reaches parity
> with Haskell if it works very well (again, at least for me) to let
> third-party libraries compete to do that. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t ever
> need to be extended _at all_, but I think the same conservative attitude
> that works for the rest of Python actually does work fine here. (Although
> maybe first does meet that conservative standard.)
> >> but argue that first needs to be there because many of the kinds of
> people who
> >> need it actually can’t just write it themselves (they don’t know about
> 2-arg next,
> >> or they don’t understand the subtleties of leaking StopIteration, or
> whatever).
> >> That’s a pretty different argument. (Not that there can’t be something
> to both
> >> arguments, of course.)
> >
> > And I expect Raymond would say `first()` isn't needed at all - if it
> > has to be addressed, make it recipe #30.
> >
> > There's something to that argument too.
> Yes. I’m not sure I buy it in this case, but I do think it needs to be
> answered: Why isn’t it sufficient to just add a first recipe (and anyone
> who follows the link to more-itertools gets it that way)? But I think by
> this point, we already have at least two answers (yours and Guido’s), it’s
> just a question of working out whether either one is sufficient for someone
> to go try to convince Raymond with it.
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