[M Siddharth Prajosh <spraj...@gmail.com>]
> This is more of a doubt than a new idea. Python has always worked
> intuitively but this was a bummer.
> A list has an append method. So I can do list.append(value).
> I tried doing list(range(10)).append(10) and it returns None.

Yes.  Most methods that mutate an object return None.

> I'd usually assume list(range(10)) returns a list,

It does.

> to which I can append whatever I want.

And you can.

> I tried this with List comprehension also. Doesn't work there either.
> Why doesn't this work?

It does work :-)  list(range(10)) created an anonymous list, then
.append(10) appended 10 to that anonymous list, and list.append
_always_ returns None.  Since the list wasn't bound to any name, it
became trash (unreachable garbage) as soon as the .append() ended, so
the list was thrown away.

Give it a name for clarity:

>>> xs = list(range(10))
>>> print(xs.append(10))  # demonstrating that it does return None
>>> xs  # and the append worked fine
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

> Moreover, shouldn't it work?
> How do I add that feature in Python?

Better instead to learn how Python works here - it's not broken :-)
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