Sounds like a hallucination or fabrication. The behavior of `for i in
range(10): i` in the REPL exists to this day, and list.append() never
returned a value.
The only thing I'm only 90% sure of is whether the REPL always ignored None

On Sun, Jan 19, 2020 at 11:58 AM Tim Peters <> wrote:

> [David Mertz <>]
> > ...
> > What we get instead is a clear divide between mutating methods
> > on collections that (almost)  always return None, and functions
> > like sorted() and reversed() that return copies of the underlying
> > collection/iterable. Of course, there are many methods that don't
> > have functions matching them. Python could have been designed
> > differently, but using the consistency it follows is best.
> For a bit of history that I may have made up (heh - memory fades over
> time!), as I recall, the very first Python pre-releases echoed to
> stdout every non-None statement result.  So, e.g.,
>     for i in range(5):
>         i
> displayed the same as the current
>     for i in range(5):
>         print(i)
> But one prolific early user loved chaining mutating method calls, each
> returning `self`, and so their output was littered with crap they
> didn't want to see.  They didn't want to prefix every computational
> statement with, e.g., "ignore = ", so Guido stopped the magical
> output.
> Perhaps surprisingly, few people noticed the difference.  But that may
> in large part be due to that there were few people, period.
> Or I'm just hallucinating again :-)
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