On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 9:22 AM Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas <
python-ideas@python.org> wrote:

> Is there any commonly used or even imaginable useful type that uses them
> in weirder ways than set and float (which are both partially ordered) [...]

Nitpick: why do you say "partially ordered" for float? If we take NaNs into
account, then the float type is neither partially nor totally ordered,
since x <= x is False when x is a NaN. If we don't take NaNs into account
(which is probably the way we'd want to go from a practicality standpoint),
it's both partially and totally ordered. (To David Mertz's earlier comment,
"not a total order when you include nans and infs", infinities don't affect
the existence of a total or partial order here; it's only the NaNs that we
have to worry about.)

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