Andrew Barnert wrote:
> On Mar 4, 2020, at 00:07, Steve Jorgensen wrote:
> > Taking one step back out of the realm of mathematical
> > definition, however, the original idea was simply to distinguish what I now 
> > understand to
> > be "totally ordered" types from other types, be they "partially ordered" or 
> > unordered —
> > not even having a full complement of rich comparison operators or having 
> > all but using
> > them in weirder ways than sets do.
> > Is there any commonly used or even imaginable useful type that uses them in
> weirder ways than set and float (which are both partially ordered) or 
> np.array (where they
> aren’t even Boolean-values)? In particular, transitivity keeps coming up, but 
> all of those
> examples are transitive (it’s never true that a<b and true that b<c without 
> being
> true than a<c for any of them). If there are such uses it might be important 
> to
> distinguish them, but if there aren’t, it doesn’t seem unreasonable for 
> PartiallyOrdered
> to “wrongly” pick up hypothetical pathological types that no one will ever 
> write in
> exchange for automatically being right about every actual type anyone uses. 
> After all,
> Iterable is a virtual superclass of any type with __iter__, even if it 
> returns the number
> 42 instead of an Iterator, and so on; technically every implicit ABC in 
> Python is “wrong”
> like this, but in practice it doesn’t come up and implicit ABCs are very 
> useful.

I see what you're saying. I guess what I was getting at is that for purposes of 
determining whether something is totally orderable or not, it doesn't matter 
what kind of not-totally-orderable the thing is — partially orderable (like 
sets), non-orderable (without full complement of operators), or some other 
weird thing that has the full compliment of operators.
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