> Although I might use it a lot (more than I would like to admit), I don't
> like this feature. First of all, I think it favors not-very-pretty code,
> effectively reducing the cost you pay for writing too-many-argument
> functions. It'd also obfuscate the code, and here I would like to quote the
> Zen of Python "explicit is better than implicit".
Yeah I get what you are saying, although in my opinion having to write each 
argument name 3 times in the __init__ makes code harder to read and obfuscated 
the code more than this would. Also, there are times when too-many-argument 
functions are necessary, and several examples of these can be found in the 

> I think he idea of positional only args is that you don't want whoever
> is calling you to care about
> the variable names they will have inside your code whatsoever.

I was thinking that excluding them might be more confusing though, and even not 
explicitly named when passed, they are probably set to an arribute with the 
same name as the arg like most other args. Either way, these minor details can 
be worried about if this becomes popular.

I can't see this being used if it is implemented outside of stdlib, because the 
warning from linter would drive people mad. I suppose it needs to either be 
added to stdlib or forgotten about.
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