On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 8:49 PM Ricky Teachey <ri...@teachey.org> wrote:

>>> In the example above, self.b is assigned the value of b, not Enum(b).
>>> And even if you called-- or gave the option to call-- func(*args, **kwargs)
>>> first, autoassign still wouldn't know that you want to modify the supplied
>>> parameter value.
>> But you could just write `self.b = MyEnum(b)`, and it would overwrite the
>> auto-assigned `self.b = b`.
> I.... didn't think of that. In that case, though, you're assigning self.b
> twice. If it is a descriptor, that might not be desirable and result in all
> kinds of side effects.

1. The combination of a non-idempotent descriptor and wanting to customise
the input in `__init__` seems very rare. Since this is a convenience, I
think it's fine to not support every use case.
2. The problem can be solved by putting the customisation in the
descriptor, which is probably a good idea anyway.
3. A user would have to be particularly careless to do this by mistake and
cause actual damage. It should be obvious from both a brief description of
the decorator and some basic experimentation that it assigns to
descriptors. A simple test of the user's actual code would also likely
reveal this.
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