Whoops, sorry. I just realized that I mistyped the third paragraph from the
bottom, it should be:

> from some_library import AnotherClass # this causes * AnotherClass * to
be imported from some_library/__init__.py which in turn causes the import
statement on line 4 of some_library/__init__.py to finally happen for real.
The import of *SomeClass* on line 3 *still* hasn't actually happened, and
may never happen if *SomeClass* isn't imported (or lazy imported and then
used) during the lifetime of this program.

On Fri, Feb 5, 2021 at 12:34 PM Matt del Valle <matthew...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have seen a lot of interest in this topic, and I think the sheer number
> of different lazy import implementations (generally using proxy objects for
> modules and then loading them when an attribute is accessed) should present
> pretty good evidence that this is a very desired feature, particularly for
> writers of library code seeking to optimize start-up times and similar.
> Unfortunately, all of these implementations have serious limitations in
> that often static code analysis tools cannot understand them, resulting in
> autocompletions and useful diagnostic errors being lost. Also, they are
> fundamentally incapable of dealing with 'from x import y' syntax, because
> this is *always *loaded eagerly by the Python interpreter.
> With the increasingly widespread adoption of type hints I think it is time
> to revive the proposal for lazy imports as an official language feature.
> It is very common to type hint the return type or argument type of a
> function as a type which cannot be imported at the top of the file inside
> the module namespace because it would trigger a circular import, and must
> therefore be imported inside the function. In these instances it is
> currently recommended to use the 'TYPE_CHECKING' value in the 'typing'
> module which is always 'False' at runtime, in order to be able to provide
> the return or argument type hint:
> some_module.py
> > from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
> >
> >     from module_that_depends_on_me import MyClass
> >
> >
> > def some_func() -> MyClass:
> >     from module_that_depends_on_me import MyClass
> >
> >     return MyClass()
> However, this is unnecessarily verbose and confusing to most users who are
> not familiar with this usage pattern. IDEs will also be unable to warn you
> that MyClass is undefined if you try to use it inside 'some_func' without
> importing it within 'some_func' first, because it appears to be defined
> even though it isn't.
> It also is fundamentally incapable of handling this other extremely common
> usage pattern:
> some_library/ __init__.py
> > __all__ = ["SomeClass", "AnotherClass"]
> >
> > from .extremely_expensive_module import SomeClass
> > from .another_extremely_expensive_module import AnotherClass
> some_module.py
> > from some_library import  SomeClass
> Where a library author wants to make several classes in their library's
> public API available at package level in the __init__.py, but doesn't want
> to eagerly load all of them when many users will only ever use one in a
> given program. In this situation if I try to import SomeClass from
> some_library/__init__.py I will *always* trigger AnotherClass to be
> loaded as well, totally unnecessarily.
> My proposed syntax is pretty much the same as was suggested by Nicolas
> Cellier in 2017 here:
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2017-February/044894.html,
> but with the additional stipulation that 'from x import y' format imports
> should *also* be supported. The two new lazy import statements should
> therefore be:
> > lazy import some_module
> > from  some_module lazy import SomeClass
> For the two examples given above the equivalent code should be.
> some_module.py
> > from module_that_depends_on_me lazy import MyClass # does not raise
> ImportError when module_that_depends_on_me tries to import me, because this
> import is deferred
> >
> >
> > def some_func() -> MyClass:
> >     return MyClass() # MyClass is not imported until this line, in a
> function that isn't called until after module level imports have already
> been resolved
> some_library /__init__.py
> > __all__ = ["SomeClass", "AnotherClass"]
> >
> > from .extremely_expensive_module lazy import SomeClass # this import is
> deferred
> > from .another_extremely_expensive_module lazy import AnotherClass # this
> import is deferred
> some_module.py
> > from some_library import AnotherClass # this causes SomeClass to be
> imported from some_library/__init__.py which in turn causes the import
> statement on line 4 of some_library/__init__.py to finally happen for real.
> The import of AnotherClass on line 3 *still* hasn't actually happened,
> and may never happen if AnotherClass isn't imported (or lazy imported and
> then used) during the lifetime of this program.
> These are just some examples that I could think of off the top of my head.
> I am certain there are more.
> This would be insanely useful. I really hope this sparks some discussion :)
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