> You write about auto-populating `__all__`. I am  not aware of it ever
auto-populating. What are you referring to here? (The behavior that in the
absence of `__all__`, everything not starting with `_` is exported, is not
auto-population -- it's a default behavior implemented by `import *`, not
by the exporting module.)

That was a misconception on my part -- always thought it worked the other
way around! Not sure why I thought that.

I'm open to the idea of not using __all__, if there's the possibility to
have a better interface by breaking away from it. My worries with creating
a new, more strict interface would be:

1, breaking compatibility with old tools that look for __all__
specifically-- though I'm not sure how big the set of "tools that
dynamically introspect __all__" is. It's probably pretty small.

2, I do like that Python gives you the ability to import everything, even
if the library author didn't intend for it. There's benefits to
encapsulation of course, but I like having the option to fiddle with some
library internals if I really need to. I wonder if there's a way to keep
this ability but make it a little "louder", so it's clear you're doing
something abnormal -- like the underscore-prefixed private member
convention or dangerouslySetInnerHTML in React.

As for `export x: int = 1` vs
x: int = 1
export x

, I like both syntaxes pretty equally. My choice in the original post was
mostly because I was unsure about exactly how flexible the soft keywords in
the new parser are, and if it would be tricky to insert them before an
arbitrary assignment like that instead of making them be their own
statement. If that's not an issue, I'm in favor of either syntax :)

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