Hi Steve,

I don't think I can explain adequately why I challenged you, so I'll just
apologize.  Your feedback (about the 'export' proposal, and about my
challenge of your credentials) is duly noted. Sorry!


On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 4:11 PM Stestagg <stest...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 8:22 PM Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote:
>> If you feel so strongly about it maybe we need to see some credentials.
>> What's your background? (This may sound like an odd request, but reputation
>> matters, and right now I have no idea who you are or why I should take your
>> opinion seriously, no matter how eloquently it is stated.)
> Hi Guido, I have enormous respect for you, but have no interest in
> attempting to prove I'm a 'good-enough egg' to warrant your serious
> attention.
> The entire question makes me somewhat uncomfortable, and to illustrate
> why, I'm going to willfully misinterpret it to make my point:
> My background is: White, Middle-class British male, mid-30s, my family is
> descended from the illigitimate son of the governor of the Isle of Wight.
> I've dined with the Queen, and my last two schools were both over 400 years
> old.  Does this qualify me for attention?  What if I were a BAME teen woman
> living in Bangladesh?
> Of course, sarcastic responses aside, I assume you meant technical
> background/credentials. Similar concerns still apply there, this
> python-ideas list is full of people with ideas, many of which are held
> strongly, that don't get their background questioned openly (although, as
> in most communities, there's evidence of this happening subtextually in
> places).
> In fact, when I previously pointed out a critical flaw in one of your
> proposals in another thread on this list, I wasn't questioned about my
> credentials then (I assume because you realised your mistake at that
> time).  If you're still interested in my CV, it's easily findable online,
> along with other technical context about me that may be relevant to
> assessing my worthiness.
> Regardless of the above, I'm not going to argue further about the proposal
> or my plea to keep some control/override. That's why I made my case as
> robustly as I could initially. It's a single data-point, other people may
> reinforce it, or counter it, in the disucssion.  By broaching the subject,
> I was hoping to ensure that this aspect of the proposed change would be
> considered, if you decide I'm not worth it, then that's your call.
> Regards
> Steve
> Note that C extensions allow none of the introspection mechanisms you're
>> proposing here (they have a `__dict__` but it is fully controlled by the
>> author of the C code) and they thrive just fine.
>> I am happy with giving module authors a way to tell the system "it's
>> okay, users can reach in to access other attributes as well". But I think
>> module authors should *also* be given a way to tell the system "please
>> prevent users from accessing the private parts of this API no matter how
>> hard they try". And using 'export' seems a reasonable way to enable the
>> latter. (To be clear I am fine if there's a flag to override this default
>> even when 'export' is used.)
>> I know there are package authors out there who have this desire to
>> restrict access (presumably because they've been burned when trying to
>> evolve their API) and feel so strongly about it that they implement their
>> own restrictive access controls (without resorting to writing C code).
>> On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 12:42 PM Stestagg <stest...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Sun, 14 Mar 2021 at 18:58, Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 7:11 AM Theia Vogel <th...@vgel.me> wrote:
>>>>> > import the_module
>>>>> > the_module.sys
>>>>> > would work, but
>>>>> > from the_module import sys
>>>>> > would not work?
>>>>> > That might be odd and confusing.
>>>>> Good point. I'm not familiar with CPython internals so I'm not sure
>>>>> how this would work on the implementation side, but I definitely think it
>>>>> would be important to not have an inconsistency here.
>>>> So I think there is no technical reason why we couldn't make it so that
>>>> a module that uses `export` returns a proxy that only lets you use
>>>> attributes that are explicitly exported. If users disagree with this, they
>>>> can negotiate directly with the module authors. It's not a principle of
>>>> Python that users *must* be given access to implementation details, after
>>>> all -- it was just more convenient to do it this way when the language was
>>>> young. (For example, it's not possible to root around like this in C
>>>> extensions -- these only export what the author intends to export.)
>>> If this is implemented, then please ensure that some mechanism is
>>> included (either keeping __dict__, or functions in inspect, or some other
>>> mechanism) to both get and set all attributes of a module irrespective of
>>> any  export/__all__ controls.
>>> I understand that perspective that says library authors should be able
>>> to control their API, for various reasons, but this has to be balanced
>>> against the fact that library authors are not perfect, and can either
>>> include bugs, or fail to consider all reasonable use-cases when designing
>>> their code.  Historically, this has been done, by convention, through use
>>> of the "_" private specifier for module-level objects.
>>> The value of being able to (in specific cases) reach into third-party
>>> code, and customize it to work for your specific situation should not be
>>> disregarded.
>>> I think every large codebase that I've worked with has had to
>>> monkey-patch a method deep within at least one third-party library at
>>> runtime, in production (this is also commonly used for testing purposes),
>>> at some point to work-around either a limitation of the library,
>>> incompatibility with other library, or to patch a bug.  This also applies
>>> to module-globals that are themselves imported modules, being able to
>>> rebind a name to reference a different module (within careful constraints)
>>> in a library module has saved me several times.
>>> If external visibility of code units within libraries starts to be
>>> restricted so that this sort of patching isn't possible, then the cost of
>>> fixing some problems may start to become significantly greater.
>>> I strongly believe that the access to members of modules should be kept
>>> as similar to the access of members of class instances as possible. Not
>>> only will this keep the model simpler, the same arguments and/or concerns
>>> apply when talking about classes as when talking about modules.  Maybe this
>>> means that non-exported members of modules get name-mangled as protected
>>> class attributes do, or maybe the '__dict__' member is always exported.
>>> I think the idea of resolving the issues mentioned above by talking with
>>> third-party module authors directly, seems like an unlikely solution.  In
>>> my experience, this sort of 'keyhole surgery' patching is often against
>>> large, undersupported public libraries (think sqlalchemy, pandas, etc..
>>> where two factors make it unlikely that these projects will be able to help
>>> directly:
>>> 1. If your project have unique or uncommon requirements that require
>>> this sort of patch, often library authors do not want to incur the
>>> maintenance burden of changing their carefully-designed code to support the
>>> use-cases, especially if they do not consider the requirements to be valid
>>> (even if they are in a different context to that being considered by the
>>> authors)
>>> 2. Release cycles of these projects can be long and complex.  Maybe
>>> you're using a previous version of this library, and the current release is
>>> not compatible with your stack, so even if the library does release a fix,
>>> then you'd not be able to use it without a major refactor/retest cycle
>>> internally.
>>> I really like the "we're all adults here" approach to private/protected
>>> access that python currently takes, please don't weaken this without a lot
>>> of serious consideration :)
>>> Thanks
>>> Steve
>> --
>> --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
>> *Pronouns: he/him **(why is my pronoun here?)*
>> <http://feministing.com/2015/02/03/how-using-they-as-a-singular-pronoun-can-change-the-world/>

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
*Pronouns: he/him **(why is my pronoun here?)*
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