18.06.21 17:38, Guido van Rossum пише:
> Note the ambiguity around whether the user might have meant
>     [x,(y for y in a)]
> or
>     [(x, y) for y in a]

Yes, I think that it could be interpreted in one of the following ways:

     [x, (y for y in a)]
     [x, *(y for y in a)]
     [(x, y) for y in a]
     [*(x, y) for y in a]  # if allow [*chunk for ...]

Any interpretation can be well-justified and formally non-ambiguous once
we choose the one to be allowed. But it will still *look* ambiguous, so
it is better to avoid such syntax in Python which is famous for its
clear syntax.

I withed that I could write just [*chunk for ...] several times per
year, but I understand that there were reasons to not allow it.

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