On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 9:24 PM Sven R. Kunze <srku...@mail.de> wrote:
> Actually, the "defer:"-syntax is really readable and searchable compared to 
> the cryptic comparison operator used in the proposal. Just thinking towards 
> "googleability".

Google's smarter than that. I've searched for symbols before and found
plenty of good results. For instance, I can search for information
about the @ sign before a function, or independently, for a @ b, and
get information about decorators or matrix multiplication. We don't
need words - especially not words that will break people's code - in
order for people to find information.

> Furthermore, the concept is even more general than parameter definition of 
> functions and methods. I guess a lot of people have already tryied to 
> implement this kind of object various times before (proxy objects, 
> transparent futures etc.)
> It also would fit the current semantics of default parameters of Python.

It's a completely different feature, and has very different
consequences. It is not a complete replacement for default
expressions. Notably, it can't refer to anything in the caller's
context, without breaking a lot of things about Python's namespacing

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