On Sun, Dec 5, 2021, 12:33 PM Chris Angelico

> And quite frankly, the tone of this list is sounding like "shut up, go
> away, don't do anything, because there are other proposals that nobody can
> be bothered writing up, but if they existed, they'd be way better than what
> you're doing". Not exactly encouraging, since nobody is willing to do the
> work of writing up proposals, but is plenty willing to criticize.

I'll write up my proposal:

"Keep the status quo"

All done.

I admit I may be a overly vociferous in my opposition to this particular
change. But I also think your tone has been rather consistently pugnacious,
and a bit combative, in dismissing objections or disagreements.

I know you genuinely wish to improve Python, and believe this PEP would do
so. But I think you've become attached to your idea in a way that becomes
non-constructive and unlikely to garner support.

For example, your careful exclusion of alternative ideas from the PEP feels
less than forthcoming. It almost feels like you are trying to hide the
alternatives from the SC. Obviously, many of them read this list, and all
of them will think of basically the same ideas others have suggested on
their own anyway.

I first discussed the idea of a "generalized deferred object/type" on this
list at least two years ago, probably more than three (I haven't looked
through archives lately to be sure the dates). The idea got some vague
interest, but I was too lazy, or too busy, or whatever, to write an actual
PEP or implementation.

It's fine to criticize my inaction in advancing the more general idea. But
the result of my failing isn't "therefore PEP 671 should be adopted" as you
keep claiming. It's just that I haven't done the work to flesh out the
encompassing idea that would cover late-binding as a minor aspect.

As an analogy, PEP 275 was written in 2001 and rejected/neglected. PEP 3103
was rejected in 2006. The very simple case switch on literals was thought
not to be broad enough to change Python syntax, despite being a construct
in numerous other programming languages.

Then in 2020, PEP 622 was written, widely discussed and refined, and
adopted. PEP 622 does EVERYTHING that PEP 275 would have, 19 years earlier,
and even with pretty much the same syntax. But it also does MUCH more as
well, and hence was thought to be worth a syntax change.

PEP 671 is very much the same. It does something worthwhile. But it does
vastly less than needed to warrant new syntax and semantics. I hope it
takes less than 19 years, but a generalized deferred construct is worth
waiting for.
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