On 4/4/22 08:54, Ken Kundert wrote:

> Now consider the issue of “unitless units”.  In electrical circuit we often 
> about gain, which it the ratio between the signal level at the output of
> a circuit relative to the signal level at the input.  But you need to be
> specific about how you measure signal level.  Typically, it would be a 
> current, or power level.  Consider a circuit where both the input and output 
> measured in volts.  Then the gain would have units of "V/V", which is unitless
> in dimensional analysis.  But units of "V/V" (voltage gain) is much different
> from units of "A/A" (current gain) or "W/W" (power gain), even though they 
> the same dimensions.  Mixing them up results in errors and confusion.  An
> additional complication is that sometimes logarithmic units are used.  For
> example, decibels in voltage, or dBV, is 20*log(Vout/Vin).  Again,
> a dimensionless quantity, but nonetheless "dBV" much different from "V/V".

[several other examples elided]

It seems to me that these "unitless' units actually have units, even if they 
*appear* to cancel each other out.

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