I honestly wasn't aware that this was added in 3.7 -- I always thought
handling resources was up to setuptools or hand-written code. So it's nice
to see that it's there in the stdlib. And while I haven't actually used
this feature, I have read through the docs and have a few comments.

On Sun, May 15, 2022 at 7:21 AM Greg Werbin <outth...@me.gregwerbin.com>

> Currently, resources must be individual files inside a package. A
> directory cannot itself be a "resource".

According to the docs, " a *resource* is a binary artifact that is shipped
within a package."

a directory is not a binary artifact -- it can't have actually data in it
like a file can. So I'm not sure how it wouel make sense for a directory to
be a resource.

>     my_great_app/
>       __init__.py
>       something.py
>       data/
>         assets/
>           images/
>             a.png
>             a.png
>             c.png
> Each of data/ assets/ and images/ must also be a package, with its own
> __init__.py file. You cannot access the resource data/assets/images/a.png
> in the package my_great_app, you must access the resource a.png in the
> package my_great_app.data.assets.images. This is (in my opinion)
> unintuitive, easy to forget, and moderately annoying.

It doesn't seem that bad to me -- my thoughts is that if you have that much
structure to your resources, maybe the resource system is not the right
tool for the job. nevertheless ...

>  Alternatively, if for some reason directories cannot themselves be
> resources, allowing file resources in subdirectories (without creating a
> new subpackage) would also be a nice ergonomic improvement.

That might be possible, and would make sense to me. However, the entire
point of resources is to provide an abstraction -- the individual resources
may not be files on disk at all -- so extending the nested path concpet may
not make sense.

That being said, I also note that importlib.abc.ResourceReader

is an ABC -- so I think you could very well make your own ResourceReader that
could traverse a directory hierarchy if you wanted to.

And the contents() method is defined as:

Returns an iterable of strings over the contents of the package. Do note
that it is not required that all names returned by the iterator be actual
resources, e.g. it is acceptable to return names for which is_resource()
would be false.

Allowing non-resource names to be returned is to allow for situations where
how a package and its resources are stored are known a priori and the
non-resource names would be useful. For instance, returning subdirectory
names is allowed so that when it is known that the package and resources
are stored on the file system then those subdirectory names can be used

which implies to me that the system is expected to optionally handle

Perhaps you can write a ResourceResader that meets your needs, and it turns
out to be generally useful, it could be later added to the stslib.


Christopher Barker, PhD (Chris)

Python Language Consulting
  - Teaching
  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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