I was reading some of Kevlin Henney's views on naming conventions 
<https://kevlinhenney.medium.com/exceptional-naming-6e3c8f5bffac>, and I 
realized that, of the 65 classes that make up Python's built-in exceptions 
only 8 (by my count) satisfy Henney's pretty basic concept of a good 
Exception name:

*The name should represent whatever the problem is, and should do so 
directly and specifically. To add Exception to the end is either redundant 
— so remove it — or an indication of a poor name — so rename it.*

Those are:
SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt, GeneratorExit, Exception, StopIteration, 
Warning, and BaseException (though Henney also discourages the use of 
"Base" in a base-class's name)

I'm sure there are others throughout the standard library too.

I always caution novice programmers to err on the side of pragmatism over 
dogmatic adherence to "sacred truths". To that end:

1) I realize changing built-in exception names would break backwards 
compatibility and probably isn't worth doing. This post is more intended as 
food for thought going forward and to bring more attention to Kevlin 
Henney's ideas.

2) I think many of the built-in exceptions are actually fine, particularly 
ones that represent a broad class of more specific exceptions like OSError. 
I don't think OSError has a specific enough name to be raised on its own 
(perhaps it should be abstract or otherwise not directly instantiable?), 
but catching error categories can be pretty helpful even if they don't lend 
themselves to explicit names.

I would suggest a more ideal naming scheme would be something like the 

   - BaseException -> Exception
   # The text for GeneratorExit 
   <https://docs.python.org/3/library/exceptions.html#GeneratorExit> seems 
   to indicate that in Python, an Error is considered a subclass of an 
   Exception, so this naming seems more appropriate though it contradicts other 
   views on the distinction between Exception and Error 
      - SystemExit
*KeyboardInterrupt -> UserInterrupt   *#This is supposed to capture a 
      user-initiated exit, whether it came from a keyboard or a magic wand is 
      generally much less relevant
      - GeneratorExit
      - Exception -> Error
         - *StopIteration*
         - *StopAsyncIteration*
         - *ArithmeticError*
            - FloatingPointError -> Not used, get rid of it?
            - OverflowError -> Overflow
            - ZeroDivisionError -> ZeroDivision or Undefined
            - *AssertionError -> Contradiction or AssertionViolation*
         - *AttributeError*
            - *+ AttributeNotFound or AttributeUnavailable*
            - *+ AttributeUnassignable*
         - *BufferError*
            - *<specific errors>*
         - *EOFError -> EndOfFile*
*ImportError *
            - ModuleNotFoundError -> ModuleNotFound
*LookupError *
            - *IndexError -> IndexOutOfBounds*
            - *KeyError -> KeyNotFound*
*MemoryError -> OutOfMemory *
*NameError -> InvalidName (Not needed?) *
            - UnboundLocalError -> UnboundLocal
*OSError *
            - BlockingIOError -> BlockingIO
            - ChildProcessError -> ChildProcessFailed
            - ConnectionError
            - BrokenPipeError -> BrokenPipe
               - ConnectionAbortedError -> ConnectionAborted
               - ConnectionRefusedError -> ConnectionRefused
               - ConnectionResetError -> ConnectionReset
               - FileExistsError -> FileAlreadyExists
            - FileNotFoundError -> FileNotFound
            - InterruptedError -> Interrupted
            - IsADirectoryError -> NotAFile
            - NotADirectoryError -> NotADirectory
            - PermissionError -> PermissionDenied
            - ProcessLookupError -> ProcessNotFound
            - TimeoutError -> Timeout
*ReferenceError -> ReferentCollected? *
*RuntimeError *
            - NotImplementedError -> NotImplemented
            - RecursionError -> MaxRecursionDepthExceeded or 
*SyntaxError *
            - IndentationError
            - TabError -> InconsistentIndentation
               - *SystemError -> SystemFailure*
*TypeError -> IncompatibleType *
*ValueError *
            - UnicodeError
            - UnicodeDecodeError
               - UnicodeEncodeError
               - UnicodeTranslateError
               - *Warning*
         # Should this be under Error?
            - DeprecationWarning -> Deprecated
            - PendingDeprecationWarning -> Obsolete
            - RuntimeWarning
            - SyntaxWarning
            - UserWarning
            - FutureWarning
            - ImportWarning
            - UnicodeWarning
            - BytesWarning
            - EncodingWarning
            - ResourceWarning
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