On Mon, 2006-07-31 at 22:25 -0700, Luis M. González wrote:
> I don't have experience with Django or any other python framework, but
> I have used bare-bones mod_python and it rocks.
> I wouldn't use PSP though...
> It is not very polished, and they way it handles the "indentation
> problem" in python is a little bit confussing.
> IMHO the best way of using mod_python is with its publisher handler.
> It let's you code your applications in a MVC (model view controller)
> style.

While I agree (or at least consider the point moot) that this is
possibly the best way to use plain mod_python, I'd disagree that it's a
good way to develop modern web applications in Python.  By the time
you've decided on every bit of framework to use, and made all the little
decisions that go into turning a fresh, clean spot on your hard drive
into an application, what you've done is reinvent TurboGears rather than
develop your application.  Worse, you've probably reinvented it poorly.
I've done so many times and am well aware of what a time-waster it is.

You say that you haven't tried Django or any other Python framework.
Perhaps you should.  You seem to have at least the start of the right
idea about web application organization, so I think you'd be pleasantly
surprised with what you'll find already done for you by the major Python
frameworks and how much time you'll stop wasting on code that isn't part
of your application.



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