Kevin Walzer wrote:
> What platform are you doing this on? On the Linux platform, "dependency 
> hell" of this sort is pretty much unavoidable, because there are so many 
> different packaging systems (apt, rpm, and so on): it's standard to let 
> the package manager handle these dependencies. And yes, it is 
> frustrating for end users.
I mainly write apps for Linux although some are in theory cross platform 
(but I don't have Windows to test on so I don't really care about that 
part). Of course catering to every concievable package management system 
is impossible so I'm looking for something to make it easy for people to 
use the app as it is.
> There are other methods for distributing "frozen binaries," including 
> the freeze module that ships with Python itself, cx_freeze, and 
> PyInstaller: these three may work on Linux/Unix as well as Windows (they 
> are not supported on the Mac). But the methods above are generally the 
> ones most widely used.
A binary would be ideal. I'll look into the freeze modules and 
Pyinstaller. Even if they don't handle huge things like Qt it would be a 
step in the right direction if it handles smaller third part modules.
And maybe the smartest thing to do would be to dump PyQt and just go for 
tkinter, however ugly it is :/

Anyways, thanks for the help people

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