In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Twisted  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[ snip ]

> I find these anecdotes liberally sprinkled into this thread frankly
> unbelievable. Either they are not using the same software I understand
> "emacs" to refer to, 

I think this may be the explanation.  The other people's anecdotes
seem pretty plausible to me in the context of emacs as it currently
exists.  You, however, appear to be talking about -- well, I'm not
quite sure, but perhaps emacs as it existed at some earlier point
in its history?  The first emacs I used (in 1980-something) didn't
have a GUI either.  But the ones currently available to me do.  

> or someone somewhere is simply lying. Or maybe
> there's a bunch of prodigies around and they all picked now to pipe
> up? We can't design software or any other tool to cater exclusively to
> a handful of Mozarts, though, unless there's no reason to believe
> anyone outside that small and exclusive club will ever have a use for
> it.

[ snip ]

B. L. Massingill
ObDisclaimer:  I don't speak for my employers; they return the favor.

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