Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been very confused about why this doesn't work. I mean I don't see any
> reason why this has been made not to work.
> class Log:
>     def __init__(self, verbose, lock = None):
>         if verbose is True:
>             self.VERBOSE = True
>         else: self.VERBOSE = False

        self.VERBOSE = verbose

or, if you suspect verbose might pass in a mutable value,

         self.VERBOSE  bool(verbose)

>         if lock is None or lock != 1:
>             self.DispLock = False

do you want to set self.lock here? IF so, a similar improvement could be 
made (though you would still need a test to create the lock object).

>         else:
>             self.DispLock = threading.Lock()
>             self.lock = True
>         if os.name == 'posix':
>            self.platform = 'posix'
>            self.color = get_colors()
>         elif os.name in ['nt', 'dos']:
>             self.platform = 'microsoft'
>             try:
>                 import SomeModule
>             except ImportError:
>                 self.Set_Flag = None
>             if self.Set_Flag is not None:
>                 self.color = SomeModule.get_colors_windows()
>         else:
>             self.platform = None
>             self.color = None
> When I create an object the "import" part never gets executed. Is there a
> reason behind it ?
> I mean I'd like to keep my class as independent as I want. So that when
> later I need to use it somewhere else, I don't need to know if it depends
> on any modules.
> Currently, the way I'm left is to globally go and import the module and set
> a flag there.
What's leading you to conclude the import isn't being executed? You 
realise, I trust, that the module's code will only be executed on the 
first call to __init__()?

You are right in assuming that __init__() is called once per instance 
created, and it's legitimate to make an import conditional in the way 
you have because of the "execute code only once" behavior - if the 
module is already in sys.modules then it won't be re-imported, the 
existing one will be used.

Having said all that, I still don't see why you can't just put the 
try/except at the top level of your code and have color be a global. Why 
repeat the attempted import and the computation for each object you 
create? Alternatively, do it at the class level, so it's only executed 
once when the class is declared?

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