> i tried a couple python json libraries. i used simplejson on the
> server and was using cjson on the client, but i ran into this issue.
> i'm now using simplejson on both sides, but i'm still interested in
> this issue.  did i do something wrong? is there a bug in one of the
> libraries? or something i don't understand about the json spec?
> i problem is the line where i call cjson.decode() below:
>>>> import simplejson
>>>> import cjson
>>>> sj = simplejson.dumps('http://server.com')
>>>> sj
> '"http:\\/\\/server.com"'
>>>> cj = cjson.encode('http://server.com')
>>>> cj
> '"http://server.com";'
>>>> simplejson.loads(cj)
> u'http://server.com'
>>>> cjson.decode(cj)
> 'http://server.com'
>>>> simplejson.loads(sj)
> u'http://server.com'
>>>> cjson.decode(sj)
> 'http:\\/\\/server.com'     # is this correct????

Known issue.  See:

Neither project has fixed it it seems.  Not sure which is actually
the "correct" way to do it, but it would be nice if they would agree.



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