Martin Franklin wrote:

Tim Daneliuk wrote:

Except that in this case, removal will also complicate code in some cases. Consider this fragment of Tkinter logic:"MyLabel",
command=lambda cmd=cmdkey: CommandMenuSelection(cmd))

In this case you perhaps should try using a class like so:-"MyLabel",

Where CommandMenuSelectionCallback is a class like so:

class CommandMenuSelectionCallback:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key

    def __call__(self):
        print self.key

One could equivalently define CommandMenuSelectionCallback as a function which creates and returns closures --

def CommandMenuSelectionCallback(key):
    def func():
    return func

This should have the same practical value as the callable class; in both cases you have a callable taking a single argument, which produces a callable taking no arguments. Whether one prefers that the resulting callable object be a class instance or a closure (function) seems to me to be largely a matter of taste.

Also, once Python 2.5 is realeased, one should be able to use the partial() function (see to accomplish much the same thing in a more general fashion. ISTM that partial() will cover somewhere between 50% and 95% of the current (reasonable) uses of lambda -- my guess being that it's towards the hight end of that range.

Jeff Shannon


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