On 2008-06-14, Paul McNett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Grant Edwards wrote:
>> On 2008-06-14, Torsten Bronger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I've never used any of the designers, but I agree 100% that
>>>> wxPython code is nasty ugly. wxPython has a very un-Pythonic
>>>> API that's is, IMO, difficult to use.
>>> I know that such requests may start a never-ending thread but
>>> I'd really like to know what you mean with this.
>> [...]
>> Well, if we want this thread to be never ending, I'd better put
>> a little dramatic hyperbole into my answer, so here goes... ;)
> (blatant self-promotion warning: I'm one of the founders of Dabo, and it
> sounds like you may like to take a look at it, given your comments below)

Yes! Dabo was the other one I was trying to remember.  The last
time I looked Dabo appeared to be catching on better than wax

> But in the end, wxPython is the best GUI toolkit for Python,
> by far,

I've been using it for 9 years. :) I can pretty much always
make it work, and the result looks native to Windows users and
"native enough" to Linux users...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I'm rated PG-34!!

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