josh logan wrote:
On Jul 27, 8:45 pm, pigmartian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
it could be that 3.0 is using "banker's rounding" --- rounding to the
even digit.  the idea behind it behind it being to reduce error
accumulation when working with large sets of values.

Works for me on Python 2.5 on Linux running on "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo
CPU".  What system are you on?
It could be that 2.5 is really 2.49999... which would round down to 2,
but on any modern CPU (using IEEE floating point), 2.5 should be
representable exactly.

That's exactly what's happening, pigmartian. Thank you for explaining
the reasoning behind this change.
So am I relegated to building my own round() function that behaves
like the original function? Or did they move the functionality to a
new method somewhere for backwards-compatibility?

This will work as you wish:

Gary Herron



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