"Giovanni Bajo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Terry Reedy wrote:
>>> 3) Sometimes the structure of the algorithm is not the structure
>>>   of the code as written, people who prefer that the indentation
>>>   reflects the structure of the algorithm instead of the structure
>>>   of the code, are forced to indent wrongly.
>> Do you have any simple examples in mind?
> Yes. When I use PyQt (or similar toolkit), I would like to indent my 
> widget
> creation code so that one indentiation level means one level down into 
> the
> widget tree hierarchy:
> v = VBox(self)
>    # sons of v indented here
>    w = HBox(self)
>        # sons of w here
>        QLabel("hello", w)
>        QLabel("world", w)
>    QButton("ok", v)
> In fact, I am used to do this very thing in C++, and it helps readability 
> a
> lot.
> I know I can add "if 1:" to do such a thing, but that's beyond the point. 
> I'm
> just showing that there are simple and reasonable examples of cases where 
> you
> would like to indent your code in different ways and you can't.

I would call the above an indication of the structure of the output rather 
than of the algorithm, which is quite linear.  Nonetheless, I can see it as 
a reasonable alternate reason for wanting to indent.  Thanks for the 

Terry J. Reedy


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