On Jul 30, 10:43 pm, Erik Max Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Russ P. wrote:
> > On Jul 30, 9:27 pm, Erik Max Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> You're sure going on about a distinction without a difference for a guy
> >> who childishly likes to call other people names.  A reasonable person
> >> would have long ago moved on instead of blaming others for not
> >> immediately intuiting your thoughts, rather than straightforwardly
> >> reading your words.  Which, by the way, includes at least three people
> >> other than myself.
> >> But I'll bet the mindless namecalling is really working out for you.
> >> Go, team, go!
> > You earned the "childish name calling" by acting like a child -- with
> > your petty little game of trying to show that I don't understand a
> > basic concept in Python. As I said, your initial misunderstanding,
> > while silly, was at least forgivable. But your insistence on repeating
> > it time after time is not. It is truly pathetic.
> Sis, boom, rah rah rah!
> You're kind of skipping over the point where three other people had the
> same misunderstanding about your original statement and correction, so

Another whopper, but who's counting?

> maybe the reader is not the problem but rather the writer, but hey,
> don't let that get in the way of a good public shitfit.
> You're winning!

And you're a professional of some sort? Man, I can't even imagine
working in an environment with people like you. I guess I'm pretty
lucky to work with real professionals who don't play petty little
games like the one you played here -- and are still playing. Go ahead,
have the last word, loser -- then get lost.


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