On Aug 30, 10:41 am, "W. eWatson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I'm trying to do is adjust date-time stamped file names for date and
> time errors. The software program collects through a period that roughly
> coincides with night hours every day and according to the OS clock. It
> sometimes happens that a user sets the clock to the wrong day or hour,
> possibly both. Possibly even the month or year. I'm trying to allow a user
> the opportunity to repair the problem. (Date-time stamp part of the name is
> yyyymmdd_hhmmss.) Correcting the date needs to be done easily and
> accurately. For example, if on August 25, he mistakenly sets the date to
> July 25, and discovers this problem on the real Oct. 5, he should be able to
> shift all dates from July 25 through Sept. 5 to Aug. 25 through early Oct.,
> allowing for day oddities in a month during the period. (I hope I got those
> dates right; otherwise, I think you get the idea. In other words, he needs
> to shift about 40 days of data to the correct dates.)

... all of which is absolutely nothing to do with your surprise at the
result of whatever.plus(months=6).

So for some period from recorded date X to recorded date Y, the
recorded dates of out of kilter by D days. X = Jul 25 2008, Y Sep 5
2008, and D is 31 (days from Jul 25 to Aug 25). All you have to do is

if X <= recorded_date <= Y:
    new_recorded_date  = recorded_date.plus(days=D)



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