Aaron "Castironpi" Brady wrote:
> I see.  If I understand, you have a PyCObject in a dictionary.
> Look at the 'ctypes' module and try calling PyCObject_AsVoidPtr.  Its
> return type should be 'c_void_p', and you can use 'result.value' to
> get the original pointer.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

I have a hard time following that, if using ctypes you used PyDLL to
call PyCObject_AsVoidPtr on the PyCObject I already have surely it would
 give me back a pointer (void for sake of simplicity) but it would be a
pointer to a new PyCObject and thus calling result.value on it would
only return the memory address of the new PyCObject?

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