You can find a list and several reviews on
I think Wing IDE ( is generally
thought to be the most sophisticated one; but it's neither open-source
nor gratis (they do let noncommerical open-source devs get a free copy
>From what I've heard anecdotally, most Pythonistas don't use IDEs,
instead opting for just a text editor (often vim or emacs). So the
answer to your question is probably "None".

Follow the path of the Iguana...

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Steve Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am just wondering what seems to be the most popular IDE. The reason
> I ask is I am currently at war with myself when it comes to IDE's. It
> seems like every one I find and try out has something in it that
> others don't and viceversa. I am in search for the perfect IDE and
> after many months of searching, I always come back to IDLE to do what
> I need to do. I want to use Komodo badly but the one issue I have with
> that is sometimes the auto-complete works and other times it doesn't.
> Even if I carbon copy a script.
> Thanks in advance,
> Steve P
> --

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