Steve Phillips wrote:
Hi All,
I am just wondering what seems to be the most popular IDE. The reason
I ask is I am currently at war with myself when it comes to IDE's. It
seems like every one I find and try out has something in it that
others don't and viceversa. I am in search for the perfect IDE and
after many months of searching, I always come back to IDLE to do what
I need to do. I want to use Komodo badly but the one issue I have with
that is sometimes the auto-complete works and other times it doesn't.
Even if I carbon copy a script.
So what are the specs of the "perfect IDE" ?
I've the same experience with python-IDEs as you,
and as I'm a very spoiled guy, used to work with Delphi.
I'm interested in your specs,
as I've decided to write my own,
it will not be "perfect",
but I don't want to miss features of the " almost perfect IDE"  ;-)
I also know of others who are doing the same at this moment,
building other "almost perfect IDE's ".

For now I use PyScripter and SPE in that order.


Thanks in advance,
Steve P


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