Hi, all. Over the years, I've programmed in a fair number of languages; the ones with which I became most familiar were assembler, BASIC, Pascal, and "lately" (the last fifteen years or so) Perl. Now I'm trying my hand at Python. While I don't have any problems with the ins and outs of the language (at least thus-far), I'm afraid I'm taking the wrong approach. The common thread in all the languages I "speak" is that they're all procedural languages, and I'm treating Python the same. [Okay: Perl does have OOP, but it's retrofitted and ugly.] Is there an intro-to-Python book where the emphasis isn't so much on the language, but on OOP, itself? Or, failing that, at least a Python book which doesn't just introduce the language, but gives equal billing to OOP practices, etc.

Thanks much!

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