On Oct 15, 1:02 pm, Ken D'Ambrosio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, all.  Over the years, I've programmed in a fair number of languages;
> the ones with which I became most familiar were assembler, BASIC,
> Pascal, and "lately" (the last fifteen years or so) Perl.  Now I'm
> trying my hand at Python.  While I don't have any problems with the ins
> and outs of the language (at least thus-far), I'm afraid I'm taking the
> wrong approach.  The common thread in all the languages I "speak" is
> that they're all procedural languages, and I'm treating Python the same.
>    [Okay: Perl does have OOP, but it's retrofitted and ugly.]  Is there
> an intro-to-Python book where the emphasis isn't so much on the
> language, but on OOP, itself?  Or, failing that, at least a Python book
> which doesn't just introduce the language, but gives equal billing to
> OOP practices, etc.
> Thanks much!
> -Ken
> ** Posted fromhttp://www.teranews.com**

"Python Power" has a couple chapters on OOP, but you might also find
the free Dive Into Python helpful:


I have yet to read a Python book that only focuses on the OOP part,
probably because everything in Python is an object, so even if you
don't realize it, you're probably using some OOP concepts whenever you
write in it.


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