Here is the permissions, which I think are definitely right now:

drwxrwxrwx   8 **** **** 4.0K Nov  6 13:34 public_html/

drwxrwxrwx   2 **** **** 4.0K Nov  6 13:35 cgi-bin/ [inside public_html]

-rw-r-xr-x  1 **** ****  117 Nov  6 11:39 test_pl.cgi* [inside cgi-bin]
-rw-r-xr-x  1 **** ****  168 Nov  6 13:35 test_py.cgi* [inside cgi-bin]

Those indeed look kosher

note both have *.cgi extensions otherwise plain text is shown.

I prefer to use .py (or .pl) for the extensions so my editors pick up the syntax...In my server's CGI directory, as long as the +x bits are set, it runs them with the .py extension. However, that's an aesthetic matter.

Also I think I should be getting a traceback since I used import
cgitb; cgitb.enable() I wonder does this suggest the python
interpreter hasn't be found?

It's certainly something to check...Apache may run in a chroot'ed environment where Perl may be available, and Python may not (or it may be someplace else in the chroot environment).

If you've got Perl hacking skills, you might throw together a simple perl-script that checks to see if /usr/bin/python exists where you think it is, or walks the directory tree returning the path of files containing the word "python". My perl skills are close to non-existent (only having reverse-engineered some hand-me-down perl code)

Also I'm not sure how to check if the server is running mod_perl?

I think that's usually (assuming your admin hasn't munged them) included in the headers returned from the server, or if you've got PHP installed in the same setup, you can create a simple PHP page to dump the info (with this one line in it):

  <?php phpinfo();?>

which should include a line for the modules loaded in Apache.

Hope this gives you a few more things to check,



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