Gerhard Häring wrote:
Michael George wrote:
I've tried using automake,

In my opinion, this is serious overkill. automake is good for making stuff work on a herd of different Unixen with various combinations of libc functions available etc. But for developing a Python extension, it doesn't help much at all. All you need to know about Python is available via macros if you import Python.h.

I'll definitely consider going the simpler route, although the other thing that autotools provides is a standard interface for end-users. For example I'm picky and don't let anything into /usr that isn't under the purview of the package manager. autotools makes life easy because I can just do ./configure --prefix=/opt/pkgname and I know I'm good. Custom build setups force me to figure them out before I can install (and sometimes even use) the program.

Since I'll be eventually trying to attract users, I'd like to avoid scaring them away with custom build scripts :)

-- Gerhard

Thanks for the advice.


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