Chris Rebert wrote:
On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 11:41 PM, Ethan Furman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Greetings All!

I am implementing a NullDate class in order to mirror dates and datetimes
that have no value  (yes, this is for my dbf  module :)

I'm still a bit fuzzy about class methods, hashing, and __new__, but my
question of the moment is this:  it seems to me that with two dates or
datetimes, they should either be equal, or one should precede the other, and
this can be accomplished quite handily with __cmp__... so does anyone know
why the rich comparisons were used in the datetime module? Was it simply a
style choice, or is something being handled that __cmp__ couldn't cope with?

Probably because __cmp__ was removed in Python 3.0, thus requiring the
use of the rich comparison methods in its place.
See the earlier thread entitled "Python 3 __cmp__ semantic change?".


Thanks, Chris!

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