On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 7:24 AM, Heston James - Cold Beans <
heston.ja...@coldbeans.co.uk> wrote:

>  Ok, this feels like a horribly noobish question to ask guys but I can't
> figure this one out.
> I have code which looks like this:
>             print this_config[1]
>             this_adapter_config[*"name"*] = this_config[1][*"NAME"*]
> Now, the print statement gives me the following:
> {'value': 'Route66', 'key': 'NAME'}

> Yet when the second line of my code throws an error saying the key 'NAME'
> doesn't exist.
> Any ideas on what's going on, seems quite senseless to me!?
> Thanks,
> Heston

A dict stores key/value pairs. When you see the print of the dict, it shows
you {key1:value1, key2:value2}. So your dict has two keys ('value' and
'key') that map to two values ('Route66' and 'Name' respectively). 'Name' is
a value in the dict, not a key, so you can't use that syntax to get it.. In
order for this code to work, the dictionary would have to be {'NAME' :
'Route66'} or you would have to use this_config[1]['value']

> --
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