I was suggesting getting posix_ipc or sysv_ipc to compile against a compatibility library (Cygwin?) under Windows. It sounds like you're proposing something totally different, no?
OK I see. But probably I do not want to use Cygwin because that would create another dependency. I understand that posix_ipc/sysv is not natively supported under windows. What about this:

- create a wrapper, using ctypes, /windll / cdll/ to access API functions
- use CreateFileMapping on the page file to create shared memory (a la windows: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366537.aspx) - use CreateEvent/WaitForSingleObject for signaling (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms682396(VS.85).aspx) - these should be enough to implement shared memory functions and message queues under windows, and that might be a quick solution at least for me. - it might also be used to emulate the same posix_ipc interface, without any external dependency added (cygwin).

All I care about is to create a working message queue. But if you think that this ctypes hack would be useful for other users, then I can try to implement it.

I must tell you that I'm not very familiar with C programming (it was a long time ago...) and I do not own MSVC.

(Hmm, can I compile this with mingw?)



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